Looking for the right candidate?
Mission based organization needs key development executive
Catholic high school needs faithful leader to guide mission and tradition
Catholic elementary school needs faith driven leader
Catholic elementary school in need of a spiritual and academic leader
Inner city dynamic Catholic school needs academic leader
K-12 Catholic school with exceptional potential needs Catholic leader
Diocese needs a collaborative and strategic leader of people and culture
Small Catholic K-8 school needs academic and business leader
Catholic girls preparatory needs academic leader
Life giving organization needs rain maker
Western MA Diocese needs Catholic leader of helping hand for God’s people
Top tier Catholic prep school needs fundraising professional
Franciscan urban mission needs rain maker
Superintendent | Archdiocese of Baltimore | Baltimore, MD
Chief Financial Officer | Archdiocese of St, Louis | St. Louis, MO
Chief Executive Officer | Catholic Charities East Bay (Oakland) | Oakland, CA
Marketing Manager | Concordia Publishing House | St. Louis, MO
Principal | St. John Neumann School | Columbia, SC
President/CEO | Catholic Charities Diocese of Cleveland | Cleveland, OH
Senior Director of Major Gifts & Planned Giving | Legion of Christ | Remote
Principal | Holy Cross High School | Dover, DE
Executive Director | Catholic Charities of Des Moines | Des Moines, IA
Director of Development | Legionaries of Christ | Cheshire, CT and Remote
Chief Financial Officer | Diocese of Cleveland | Cleveland, OH
President | St. Mary’s Academy | Fayetteville, GA
President | Catholic Charities Archdiocese of New Orleans | New Orleans, LA
Executive Director of Human Resources | Archdiocese of St. Louis | St. Louis, MO
Executive Director | Mt. Irenaeus | Friendship, NY
Human Resource Director | Diocese of Springfield, MA | Springfield, MA
Executive Director for Development | Mount Angel Abbey | St. Benedict, OR
Director of Planned Giving | Catholic Foundation of Rhode Island | Providence, RI
Sr. Director of Mission Advancement | Catholic Charities Atlanta | Smyrna, GA
President | Franciscan Media | Cincinnati, OH
Director of Advancement and Stewardship | Holy Trinity Parish | Washington, D.C.
Executive Director – Stewardship | Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph | Kansas City, MO
Principal | St. Jude the Apostle Catholic School | Sandy Springs, GA
Executive Director | Catholic Charities of Idaho | Boise, ID
President | St. Michael the Archangel High School | Lee’s Summit, MO
Catholic School Principals | Archdiocese of Boston | Boston, MA
Principal | Guardian Catholic School | Jacksonville, FL
Superintendent | Diocese of Orlando | Orlando, FL
Superintendent | Archdiocese of Atlanta | Atlanta, GA
Associate Superintendent of Catholic Schools | Diocese of San Jose | San Jose, CA
Principal | St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic School | Myrtle Beach, SC
Executive Director | The Koch Foundation | Gainesville, FL
Finance Manager | Catholic Cemeteries of Bridgeport | Bridgeport, CT
Director of Development | Austin Preparatory School | Reading, MA
Director of Human Resources | Diocese of Winona-Rochester | Winona, MN
Director of Development | Diocese of Winona-Rochester | Winona, MN
Chief Operating Officer | Catholic Charities, Archdiocese of St. Louis | St. Louis, MO
Executive Director | Legacy of Life Foundation | Yardley, PA
Chief Financial Officer | Catholic Charities, Archdiocese of St. Louis | St. Louis, MO
Executive Director | Our Lady of the Sound | Seattle, WA
President | Maur Hill – Mount Academy | Atchison, KS
Executive Assistant to the Bishop | Diocese of Fort Worth | Fort Worth, TX
Athletic Director | Elizabeth Seton High School | Bladensburg, MD
Executive Director | St. Francis Retreat Center (CA) | San Juan Bautisa, CA
Executive Director | St. Francis Retreat House (PA) | Easton, PA
Superintendent of Catholic Schools | Diocese of Rockford | Rockford, IL
Chief Financial Officer | Highbridge Community Development Corporation | Bronx, NY
Chief Financial Officer | Diocese of Jefferson City | Jefferson City, MO
Executive Director | Loyola Jesuit Center | Morristown, NJ
Chief Financial Officer | Liturgical Press | Collegeville, MN
Director of Human Resources | St. Edmunds Retreat | Mystic, CT
Head of School | St. Thomas Aquinas Catholic School | Fairfield, CT
Principal | St. Catherine of Sienna School | Trumbull, CT
Principal | Peoria Notre Dame HS | Peoria, IL
HR Operations, Quality and Compliance | CCSWW | Seattle, WA
Director Housing and Homeless Services | CCSWW | Southern Washington State
Superintendent of Catholic Schools | Archdiocese of Cincinnati | Cincinnati, OH
Franciscan Friars of the Atonement | Chief Operating Officer | Garrison, NY
Executive Director | San Damiano Retreat Center | Danville, CA
Executive Director | Catholic Charities North Dakota | Fargo, ND
Director of Sales | InPeace | Hollywood, FL
Superintendent | Diocese of Peoria | Peoria, IL
President | St. Mary’s High School | Colorado Springs, CO
Controller | Diocese of Springfield in Illinois | Springfield, IL
ED Chief Executive Officer | Catholic Charities of Long Island | Hicksville, NY
Director of Institutional Advancement | Catholic Charities Archdiocese of New Orleans | NOLA, LA
Southeast Regional Account Executive | RENEW International | Remote/Southeast
Director of Leadership Gifts | Hartford Bishops’ Foundation, Inc. | Hartford, CT
Superintendent of Catholic Schools | Diocese of Gary | Gary, IN
Director of Finance | Sacred Heart Major Seminary | Detroit, MI
Director of Communications | Diocese of Dallas | Dallas, TX
Director Office of Mission Advancement | Archdiocese of Atlanta | Atlanta, GA
Deputy Executive Director | Catholic Charities, Diocese of Nashville | Nashville, TN
Chief Financial Officer | Diocese of Worcester | Worcester, MA
Chief Operating Officer | St. Edmunds Retreat | Mystic, CT
Executive Director | The Orange Catholic Foundation | Orange, CA
Chief Financial Officer | Diocese of Nashville | Nashville, TN
Archdiocese of Seattle | Chief Financial Officer | Seattle, WA
Director of Development | Diocese of St. Augustine | St. Augustine, FL
Director of Safe Environment | Diocese of Dallas | Dallas, TX
Director of Development | Diocese of Duluth | Duluth, MN
Chief Human Resource Officer | Archdiocese of Seattle | Seattle Washington
Chief Human Resource Officer | Archdiocese of Seattle | Seattle, WA
Superintendent of Catholic Schools | Archdiocese of Newark | Newark, NJ
Chief Financial Officer | Notre Dame de Détroit | Détroit, MI
Director of Communications | Diocese of Paterson | Clifton, NJ
Major Gifts Officer | Diocese of Dallas | Dallas, TX
Executive Director of Communications | Archdiocese of St. Louis | St. Louis, MO
President | Catholic Charities of St. Louis | St. Louis, MO
Parish Capital Campaign Consultant | OSV | Remote
Editorial Director | Ave Maria Press | Notre Dame, IN
Superintendent of Catholic Schools | Archdiocese of Detroit | Detroit, MI
Executive Director | Proyecto Juan Diego | Brownsville, TX
Director Youth, Young Adult and Campus Ministry | Diocese of Dallas | Dallas, TX
Director of Liturgy | Holy Trinity Catholic Church | Washington, D.C.
Director of Worship | St. Francis of Assisi Parish | Frisco, TX
Superintendent of Catholic Schools | Diocese of Providence | Providence, RI
Director of Communications | Diocese of Manchester | Manchester, NH
Chief Financial Officer | Elizabeth Seton High School | Bladensburg, MD
Director of HR Operations | Diocese of Dallas | Dallas, TX
Executive Director of Development | Diocese of Springfield | Springfield, MA
Director of Stewardship and Development | Diocese of Corpus Christi | Corpus Christi, TX
Chief Financial Officer | Diocese of Corpus Christi | Corpus Christi, TX
President | National Shrine of Mary, Mother of the Church | Gravois Mills, MO
Major Gifts Officer | Mount Angel Abbey | St. Benedict, OR
Assistant Superintendent | Archdiocese of Atlanta | Atlanta, GA
Director of Worship, St. Francis of Assisi Parish, Frisco,TX
Diocesan Secretary for Catholic Social Services, Diocese of Scranton, Scranton, PA
Director For Pastoral Planning, Diocese of Scranton, Scranton, PA
President, RENEW International, Plainfield, NJ
Diocesan Secretary for Parish Life, Diocese of Scranton, Scranton PA
President, Catholic Foundation, St. Louis MO
Superintendent Of Catholic Schools, Diocese of Ft. Worth, Ft. Worth, TX
Human Resource Technology Director, Catholic Community Services of W Washington, Seattle, WA
Deputy Director | Catholic Community Services of W Washington | Seattle, Wa.
In-House Counsel and Risk Manager, Catholic Community Services of W Washington, Seattle, WA
Director of Evangelization and Missionary Discipleship, Archdiocese of Detroit, Detroit, MI
Head of School, Greenwich Catholic School, Greenwich, CT
Director of Worship, Dallas Diocese, Dallas, TX
Executive Director, The Catholic Foundation of Rhode Island, Providence, RI
VP Sales and Marketing, Loyola Press, Chicago, IL
Director of Catholic Market Sales, The Lukens Company, Remote
Senior Director of Ministries, Dallas Diocese, Dallas, TX
In-House Counsel and Risk Manager, Catholic Community Services of W Washington, Seattle, WA
Executive Director Homiletics Institute, University of Dallas, Dallas, TX
Director of Evangelization and Catechesis, Dallas Diocese, Dallas, TX
Chief Financial Officer, Diocese of Springfield, Springfield, MA
Principal, Cardinal Kung Academy, Stamford, CT
Chief Financial Officer, Diocese of Salina, Salina, KS
Chief Financial Officer, Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph, Kansas City, MO
Director Ministry and Planning, Diocese of La Crosse, La Crosse, WI
Chief of Staff, St. Patrick’s Cathedral, Ft. Worth, Tx
Director of Human Resources, Catholic Community Services, Seattle, WA
Assistant to the Bishop, Diocese of Ft. Worth, Ft. Worth, TX
Chief Financial Officer, Diocese of San Angelo, San Angelo, TX
Executive Director of Communications, Archdiocese of Baltimore, Baltimore, MD
HR Executive, Diocese of Fresno, Fresno, CA
Director of HR, Diocese of Gary, Gary, IN
Chief Development Officer, Diocese of Bridgeport, Bridgeport, CT
President, Bishop Machebeuf HS, Denver, CO
Executive Director, Catholic Charities of Chemung/Schuyler Counties, Elmira, N.Y.
Chief Financial Officer, Archdiocese of St. Louis, St. Louis, MO
Executive Director, Catholic Charities of Corpus Christi, Corpus Christi, TX
Chief Development Officer, Diocese of Joliet, Joliet, IL
Director of Stewardship, Diocese of Providence, Providence, RI
Chief Accounting Officer, Catholic Community Services of Western Washington, Seattle, WA
Chief Financial Officer, Archdiocese of Denver, Denver, CO
Executive Director, Human Resources, Archdiocese of Denver, Denver, CO
Chief Financial Officer, Catholic Community Services of Western Washington, Seattle, WA
Development Director, Holy Cross Congregation, U.S. Province, Notre Dame, IN
Director of Annual Appeal, Archdiocese of Washington, Hyattsville, MD
Director of Donor Relations and Gift Planning, Archdiocese of Washington, Hyattsville, MD
Chief Financial Officer, Archdiocese of Detroit, Detroit, MI
Superintendent of Catholic Schools, Archdiocese of Hartford, Bloomfield, CT
President, St. Mary’s Springs Academy, Fond du Lac, WI
Chief Financial Officer, Diocese of Pensacola-Tallahassee, Pensacola, FL
Victim Assistance Coordinator, Dioceses of Springfield, Springfield, MA
Executive Director, Catholic Foundation, Diocese of Raleigh, Raleigh, NC
Head of High School (Principal), Ursuline Academy, New Orleans, LA
Chief Financial Officer, Diocese of LaCrosse, LaCrosse, WI
Principal, St. Elizabeth Ann Seton School, Las Vegas, NV
General Manager, Ascension Press, Exton, PA
President, Detroit Catholic Central High School, Novi, MI
President, Lexington Catholic High School, Lexington, KY
Principal, Mother Seton School, Emmitsburg, MD
Executive Director of Academics/Principal, Notre Dame Prep, Towson, MD
Executive Director of Stewardship, Diocese of Raleigh, Raleigh, NC
Director of Institutional Advancement, Sacred Heart Major Seminary, Detroit, MI
Chief Financial Officer, Diocese of LaCrosse, LaCrosse, WI
Director of Special Gifts, Society of the Little Flower, Darien, IL
Chief Financial Officer, Diocese of Corpus Christi, Corpus Christi, TX
Director of Cardinal’s Annual Appeal, Archdiocese of Washington, MD
President, St. Rita School for the Deaf, Archdiocese of Cincinnati, OH
Superintendent of Catholic Schools, Diocese of Nashville, TN
Director of Advancement, RSHM, Tarrytown, NY
Head of School, Bishop Hoffman Catholic School, Fremont, OH
Superintendent of Catholic Schools, Diocese of Springfield, MA
Superintendent of Catholic Schools, Archdiocese of Baltimore, MD
Director of Human Resources, Diocese of Stockton, CA
Executive Assistant to the Bishop, Diocese of Fort Worth, TX
Superintendent Catholic Schools, Diocese of Wichita, Wichita, KS
Executive Director, Diocese of Palm Beach Catholic Charities, Palm Beach, FL
Superintendent Catholic Schools, Diocese of Columbus,
ED, Social Action, Diocese of Youngstown, OH
Chief Financial Officer, Diocese of Memphis, TN
Superintendent Catholic Schools-Archdiocese of Detroit, MI
Executive Director, Catholic Charities-Archdiocese of Detroit, MI
Executive Director, Catholic Charities Diocese of Gary, IN
Director Stewardship, Development and Communications, Diocese of Manchester, NH
Secretary of Department of Catholic Education, Archdiocese of Washington, D.C.
Director of Communications, Diocese of Toledo, OH
Superintendent (Senior Director Department of Catholic Education), Diocese of Toledo, OH
Major Gifts Officer, Maryknoll Lay Missioners, Maryknoll, NY
Finance Officer, Diocese of Winona, MN
Director Stewardship and Development, Diocese of St. Augustine, Jacksonville, FL
Archivist, Archdiocese of Hartford, CT
Chief Financial Officer, Diocese of Trenton, NJ
Director of Mission Advancement, Maryknoll Lay Missioners, Ossining, NY
Chief Financial Officer, Diocese of Worcester, MA
Chief Financial Officer, Diocese of Manchester, NH
Many others…