Marie Keith
"As a woman of faith, hope, and love who prays daily, Marie Keith will partner with you as your GPS, God's Power Spirit, leading you as a leader among leaders." -Rev. Msgr. Ralph Chieffo, Pastor, St. Mary Magdalen Parish, Media, PA
Marie has spent her entire 20+ year career in education and recruiting. With the last twelve years working directly with Diocesan leaders, principals, pastors, and board members, Marie has a keen understanding of what it takes to be a successful leader in the Catholic education arena. From finding that perfect candidate, to taking on the vast challenges in enrollment management, Marie is always focused on exceeding expectations. Marie grew up in the suburbs of Philadelphia, the birthplace of Catholic education. She attended Villanova University while working as the Director of Career Placement at Villanova Law School. She is now married with four grown sons of her own and a very active member of her parish, St. Mary Magdalen. Marie also sits on various Catholic boards and is working to advance the cause for Sainthood for Servant of God Father Bill Atkinson, O.S.A. Marie is also involved with her son in various Traumatic Brain Injury groups. Marie credits her success and leadership skills on growing up the oldest of eight, her passion for Catholic education, and the ability to be flexible while always maintaining a sense of humor.